As we monitor this ever-changing situation, we are focused on the health and safety of our employees and their families, our customers and our mission-critical work.

I wanted to brief you on our current ongoing initiatives:


  • Stateside, Bracalente has been deemed an essential and a life-sustaining component supplier to our country’s infrastructure (per Governor Wolf and Dept of Homeland Security CISA).
  • Trumbauersville, Pennsylvania and Suzhou, China are in operation as well as our supply chains (raw materials to finishing) are supporting us in these regions.
  • Our office and suppliers in India are on a 3-week mandated closure.
  • Inventories are being evaluated and monitored daily, strategically updating for the upcoming months, communicating to the appropriate individuals


  • Our leadership team meets daily and continues to adjust schedules and procedures to improve operations in the best interest of our team.
  • We are enhancing our protocols and preventive measures to minimize the chance of exposure to the COVID-19 virus.
  • We have staggered shifts to minimize the number of employees in specific areas
  • We have increased sanitizing stations and cleaning frequency,
  • We have issued gloves and masks for personal protection,
  • High-risk employees have been sent home with pay
  • Travel is restricted as well as facility acces
  • Rotating schedules as a significant amount of our office staff working from home

We continue to follow CDC’s orders and will remain in constant communication with our team, our customers and our vendors.

If you have questions or need clarification, do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Thank you

Ron Bracalente